Welcome to Dino World, Santa Monica, Above and Below

Jun 18, 2020

Steve, Mike and Mitch have news! Big News!

News so big it needs its own segment, which we have decided to call: The News.

Our humble podcast has been asked to take part in the upcoming BGG Virtual Con (June 24-28). The team at the Board Game BBQ will be hosting and playing virtual games over the course of the Virtual Con – bringing the international convention into the Australian Timezones!! We are truly flattered to be asked to participate and we look forward to meeting many of you online. (more details below)

The Sizzling Games this week includes roll ‘n’ write raptors in Welcome to Dino World, the card-drafting beachfronts of Santa Monica, and the compelling storylines of Above and Below.

The Topic of the Week is how to get new people into this addictive hobby. How to introduce people into board games, how to encourage new players to ‘buy in’ to gaming, and how to craft the ultimate Games Night at your place.

As always, everyone has their eye on Kickstarter, with the team torn between Nemesis and Terraforming Mars Big Box, before Mitch and Mike come our swinging representing their faves for the next round of the Board Game Bracket: Nemo’s War vs 5 Minute Dungeon. Both pitch compelling arguments while Steve gets splinters from sitting on the fence.

Finally, in Swear An Oath, Mike has proudly fulfilled his first oath, Dungeon Petz, and is backing it up with Counterfeiters. Mitch put Maiden’s Quest to rest and is really glad that he did (cue historic moment @1:25:03 ), and has decided to take a more surreal approach with Dreamscape. And Steve continues his Kemet-less run, but does manage to complete Space Base, and adds the beauty of Photosynthesis to his oath backlog.

The News (1:13)

Sizzling Games: Welcome to DinoWorld (5:27), Santa Monica (12:58), Above and Below (17:58)

Topic of the Week (26:14)

Introduce people to the hobby and craft the ultimate Games Night.

Kickstarter (46:45) I Am Death Now?, Nemesis, Terraforming Mars Big Box

Board Game Bracket (55:56) This week’s match-up: Nemo’s War vs 5 Minute Dungeon

Swearing An Oath (1:17:52)

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