Underwater Cities, Cartographers, Quacks of Quedlinburg: The Herb Witches

May 26, 2020

This week Steve introduces Mitch and Def to the podcast. The blokes share their sizzling games of the week and then venture into the world of Kickstarter – what is it, what are the pitfalls, and is it good for the hobby? Next, the lads share what they are liking/lurking/backing on Kickstarter, their nominations for the Board Game Bracket, and close out the show by Swearing An Oath.

Sizzling Games: Underwater Cities (2:25), Cartographers (7:40), Quacks of Quedlinburg: The Herb Witches (13:23)

Weekly Topic: Kickstarter: A Closer Look (18:28)

Kickstarter Discussion: Creality CR-6 3D Printer Kit, Adventures in Neverland, Mr. Meeple Board Game Shirts (33:38)

BoardGame Bracket: (41:10)

Swear An Oath: Steve adds Underwater Cities to his existing oath, Mitch promises to unpack Dawn of the Zeds again but actually play it this time, and Def swears to bring Atlantis Rising to the table. (57:33)

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