50 – Special episode: A New Dawn

Nov 12, 2020

Episode 50: The Journey So Far!

Join us as we reminisce about our first 50 episodes! Learn about some of the behind the scenes moments, and hear about our plans for the future!

We also launched our Patreon on this episode. If you would like to support us, go here:


Thank you for your genorosity.


Thanks to Advent Games for sponsoring this episode. Advent Games (http://www.adventgames.com.au/) are an Australian online board game store based in Sydney, NSW. Their core values are integrity, customer satisfaction, and providing a wide range of products including those hard-to-find board games.

Thanks also to our second sponsor, VR Distribution. VR Distribution is Australia’s fastest-growing distributor of board games, toys and collectibles, trading cards, and licensed merchandise and gaming accessories. If you are looking at setting up a business, give them a call to discuss, or visit https://vrdistribution.com.au

Join in the conversation on our Facebook group, Discord channel, and instagram (#boardgamebbq) or drop us a line here

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